Employees will have travel expenditures reimbursed or paid for by the University in compliance with the University travel guidelines. Adequate documentation must exist to allow for verification of expenditures. This policy is applicable to all travel, regardless of the source of funds used.

All travel expenses submitted for reimbursement or to be paid for by the University are required to complete a Expense/Payment/Purchase (EPP) Form, have the signature of the traveler certifying the amounts are true and correct and conform to Federal and University laws, rules and regulations. All signatures must be original or in a pre-approved electronic format. No stamped signatures will be accepted. The reimbursement expenditures must be approved by the employee’s supervisor or supervisor’s designee, and follow the approval levels provided in the Purchasing Policy. The designee cannot be a direct subordinate of the traveler. The supervisor or designee’s approval is asserting that they are aware of the employee’s travel and the expenditures appear reasonable.

Travel outside the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Canada or Puerto Rico meets the definition of International travel and requires approval from the employee’s divisional Provost/Vice President prior to departure.

Any employee who falsifies records or documents or willfully violates written rules, regulations or policies can be suspended or terminated from their employment with Limestone University.

Final interpretation of the Limestone University Travel Policy will be determined by the Controller or the VP of Finance, Operations & Administration.


Travel – as described in this policy, is travel more than 10 miles from an employee’s primary office at the University for the purpose of conducting business of the University, attending professional meetings, special demonstration meetings and other related meetings. Expenses related to the cost of relocating/moving are not classified as travel per this policy.

Primary Office – the location of an employee’s office. In the case where an employee works out of more than one office on different campuses/University locations, the employee and their supervisor will agree in writing on a primary office from which travel reimbursement may be allowed if pre-approved by supervisor. Based on work schedule, the Primary Office may change day-to-day or week-to-week, again, as agreed upon in writing with the supervisor.

Reasonable Expense – An expense that is ordinary and reflects a prudent decision to incur the expense on behalf of University business. Not extreme or excessive.



Travel Guidelines

Employee travel expenditures may be paid by the traveler via personal funds and reimbursed, by the Limestone University Purchasing Card, by cash advances, by direct payment by the University, or a combination of them. An EPP Form must be completed before and/or upon return. The EPP Form is the document used to account for acceptable faculty and staff travel costs. Travelers are expected to exercise discretion when making travel arrangements and expenditures. Each employee should use the following guidance when traveling:

  • Avoid excess costs, circuitous routes, delays or luxury accommodations unnecessary or unjustified in the performance of an assignment.
  • Travel by commercial airlines must be in coach or economy class.
  • Automobile transportation may be used when air and ground transportation cannot be arranged satisfactorily, or to reduce expenses (especially when two or more University employees are traveling together).
  • Transportation to or from points of arrival and departure should be by the most economical method.
  • If expenses are incurred due to a conference, seminar, training, etc. then documentation disclosing the dates of those events will be required to be submitted along with the related incurred expenses on the EPP Form
  • If the expenses incurred are for multiple people, a list and relationship to Limestone University will need to be provided.
  • If expenditures are being provided to or submitted by one employee for multiple people (i.e. other employees or students), a list will need to be provided showing their name, relationship to the University, and the individual must sign beside their name indicating that they incurred the expense.

Travel Status Reimbursement versus Business Meal Reimbursement

An employee must be in travel status to be eligible for their meals to be paid for by the University. Meals provided while in travel status should not be confused with business meal expense. If an employee on non-overnight travel has their meals provided by the University, this amount could be considered income and be reported on their W-2 tax form. For instance, meals on day trips are subject to tax withholding except when a business purpose for the meal can be documented.

Business Meal reimbursement procedures will be followed when an employee is traveling within 10 miles of their headquarters or overnight travel is not required. Please see the Limestone University Purchasing Policy for guidelines regarding business meals.

NOTE: Meals will be considered business meals for employees who are traveling for the recruitment of students as part of their normal job duties. If an employee is submitting a reimbursement, then only the exact purchase amounts up to the daily limit amounts will be reimbursed. In addition, if an employee uses their Limestone University purchasing card and goes over the daily limits, they are responsible for paying the university back upon returning and the payment must be included with the EPP Form and credit card statement. If the payment is not submitted during the submission of the approved EPP form, then it will be considered a personal purchase and the guidelines under the Purchasing Card apply.

Local Travel or Travel to Other Limestone Locations

Local travel is authorized between an employee’s primary office location and another Limestone location when pre-approved or authorized by the employee’s supervisor, in a manner of approval determined by the supervisor. If not pre-approved, mileage or other travel expenses may not be reimbursed.


While on official travel (domestic or international) daily limits for meals will be reimbursed based on which cities are attended. The standard rate is a rate of $50 per day for full travel days. The daily meal limits are broken down in the table below. Also in the table below, are the times in which each meal can take place for reimbursement. For example, if traveling and are home before 3pm, then you can be reimbursed for breakfast and lunch. If the conference/training/or business destination provides semi-daily meals (i.e. breakfast, lunch, or dinner) then you will only be reimbursed for meals paid for. The standard rate applies to all travel except for cities with higher rates. The VP of Finance, Operations & Administration will deem as such and provide approval, prior to departure.  

Meal Allotted Daily Amount Time frame
Breakfast  $                  10 6am-10am
Lunch  $                  15 11am-3pm
Dinner  $                  25 3pm-10pm

The University policy allows up to a 15% tip, with the exception of large group bills where the establishment requires more gratuity. In addition, the University will not reimburse or pay for any alcoholic purchases.


Lodging arrangements and deposits are the responsibility of the traveler and it is recommended that the lodging be paid directly by the Limestone University Business Office unless the employee has a Limestone University Purchasing Card, in which case the card can be used. Moderately priced accommodations should be selected when a choice is available.

No travel expenses will be allowed for overnight lodging within 50 miles of the employee's official headquarters or residence. If the room is shared with someone other than a University employee, only the single room rate will be reimbursed by or paid for by the University.

If a trip involves students, then the faculty/staff accompanying the students and the students themselves must stay in the same hotel.

All necessary and reasonable tips for baggage handling will be reimbursed by or paid for by the University.

Parking Fees related to parking at a hotel, NOT valet parking, are reimbursed by or paid for by the University with receipt. Other parking fees for parking meters and non-hotel related are reimbursed or provided per Reimbursement Procedures and Receipt sections below. Only parking fees for Limestone University employees will be paid.

Means of Travel

Rental Cars

Charges for automobile rental are allowed when it is more economical than alternative methods of transportation or is the only practical means of transportation. While traveling on University business originating from South Carolina, employees are required to use the Limestone fleet vehicles unless one is not available at the location where the employee desires to pick up a vehicle. Documentation stating that a Limestone fleet vehicle was not available should be attached as supporting documentation to justify the use of another vehicle.

If it is necessary to rent an automobile while in travel status outside the United States, it is recommended the collision damage waiver insurance be obtained. The charge and the applicable tax will be included on the automobile rental statement submitted with the request for reimbursement.

Personal Cars

University employees may use their own automobile for official travel if a Limestone fleet vehicle is not available and the employee will receive mileage reimbursement at the current IRS rate per mile. If a Limestone fleet vehicle is available, an employee may still use their personal vehicle, however they will only have their gas expense provided to them via reimbursement or the University Purchasing Card. Gas receipts are required to be turned in with a completed EPP Form. If gas receipts are not provided and a Limestone fleet vehicle was available then reimbursement will be calculated at 20 mpg and the average gas rate at the time the EPP Form was submitted.

Mileage between an employee's home and his/her place of employment is not subject to reimbursement. No reimbursement will be made for fines related to moving or non-moving violations.

EXCEPTION: For Faculty traveling to observe field experiences or internships for students, reimbursement will be provided at the current IRS rate per mile and a Limestone fleet vehicle is not required to be used or be available. No reimbursement will be granted unless the accumulated trips total at least 20 miles.

EXCEPTION: If an employee is traveling via airplane and a vehicle is being left at the airport for multiple days, it is recommended that a Limestone fleet vehicle not be used. Reimbursement will be provided at the current IRS rate per mile and a Limestone fleet vehicle is not required to be used or be available. The mileage reimbursed will be from personal residence to the airport or from their place of work to the airport, whichever is less.

Air and Ground Transportation

Transportation for individuals traveling alone should be by the most economical route available (air, rail, bus, car, etc.) whenever practical. Advantage of reduced round-trip rates must be taken when available. Travel must be by the most direct route possible. Individuals traveling by an indirect route must bear any additional expenses.

EXCEPTION: When discount fares are available which result in a savings to the University by extending a trip using personal time, the reimbursement will be limited to the lesser of the actual expenses incurred or the amount that would be incurred for the business portion only. The calculations for the business portion of the trip must be made using the least expensive rates available.


Travel by Airplane

This is recommended when the cost of the employee's time is an important factor or where the travel time by other methods would increase the subsistence expense. Accommodations must be limited to tourist or economy class.

  • Direct Payment by the University

Air transportation tickets is recommended to be purchased in advance directly by the University. The departmental purchasing card may be used for prepayment of airline tickets only if direct pay is not available.

  • Initial Payment by the Individual

When direct pay is not available and employees purchase their tickets with their own funds, the employee must secure reimbursement through an EPP Form after travel is completed. No reimbursement for reduced-fare advance purchase tickets will be made to employees prior to completion of travel.

  • Frequent Flyer Program

University employees while in official travel status shall select air carriers based on the cost and time criteria, not on whether frequent flyer premiums are given. University employees earning frequent flyer premiums while on university business must use them to reduce the cost of subsequent Limestone University business travel whenever possible.

  • Adequate Documentation

In order for the traveler to receive reimbursement, be allowed to use their Limestone University Purchasing Card, or have the University direct pay the travel expenses, adequate documentation reflecting the ticket cost, dates and destination must accompany the EPP Form. This may be accomplished via one or several of the following: boarding pass, copy of a printed ticket or print-out from internet purchase.

Airport Shuttle

The use of the airport shuttle to transport employees between the airport and hotel can be considered a part of the employee's travel expense and will be reimbursed as such.

International Travel

International Travel, for reimbursement and approval purposes, is defined as travel outside the continental US, Alaska, Hawaii, Canada or Puerto Rico. International travel requires approval from the employee’s divisional Provost/Vice President prior to departure.

While on International travel lodging expenses is recommended to be paid directly by the Limestone University Business Office. If direct pay is not available, then other options will be allowed. Fees for the purchase of traveler's checks, passports and visas will be covered provided a receipt is furnished. All expenses claimed must be converted to U.S. dollars and the conversion rate be properly documented. In addition, the daily limit of $50 will still be adhered to after conversion.

If it is necessary to rent an automobile while in travel status outside the United States, it is recommended the collision damage waiver insurance be obtained. The charge and the applicable tax will be included on the automobile rental statement submitted with the request for reimbursement.

University Purchasing Card Usage

Personal charges made on a University Purchasing Card are NOT acceptable and must be paid back to the University by the individual immediately upon return. Please see the Purchasing Card section under the Purchasing Policy for further information. All employee travel expenditures must be paid by the traveler from personal funds and reimbursed upon return or have the expenditures paid directly by the Limestone University Business Office via an EPP Form prior to traveling with the exception of:

Allowable University P-card Charges for Travel (Only if direct pay is not available)

  • airline & train tickets (including baggage fees IF purchased with ticket)
  • baggage fees when purchased with ticket
  • conference/registration fees (not including hotels)
  • Hotels student travel (includes hotels, ground transportation, airline/flights)
  • rental cars

Reimbursement Procedure

When individuals file for reimbursement of travel expenses they are certifying:

  • they have followed the University's travel policies,
  • they have not nor will not receive reimbursement for these expenses from any other entity outside the University,
  • all expenses are business related and, that all supporting documentation is on file with their department or business office.

Reimbursement will be made upon completion of the travel. Any reimbursements not filed within the same fiscal year require additional explanation and approval by the appropriate Provost/Vice President or designee thereof.

Employee reimbursements will be placed into intercampus mail once processed unless other arrangements have been made with the Accounts Payable clerk.

Cash Advances

If an employee receives a cash advance for travel, upon return the employee must submit a completed EPP Form within 10 business days with proper supporting documentation. Failure to do so may have their cash advance privileges suspended.


You must submit receipts for all expenditures. All receipts and paid bills must be submitted with your EPP Form. In rare occasions, a receipt may not have been provided to the traveler or the traveler may misplace the receipt. In which case, a detailed explanation signed by the traveler may be substituted and included with an acceptable proof of payment such as a canceled check or a scanned copy of a purchasing card statement.


Registration Fees

Registration fees in the amount necessary to qualify individuals to attend conventions, meetings, conferences, etc. are allowed. These fees are recommended to be paid directly by the Business Office or by using the Purchasing Card.

Miscellaneous Expenses

Receipts are required for all expenses, including all miscellaneous expenses.


Expense must be required for University business trip.

  • Baggage charges:
    1. Transportation charges for authorized excess baggage when carrying equipment necessary to complete official business
    2. Necessary charges for storage when such are a result official business - including tips
    3. Charges for checking baggage
    4. Charges or tips at transportation terminals or lodging for handling luggage and items necessary to complete business mission
    5. Tips for handling luggage, such as taxi, shuttle or courtesy transportation drivers or hotel staff
    6. Sending baggage, samples, display materials, and/or supplies to official business location and back to official station
    7. Services of guides, interpreters, or drivers
  • Use of computers, printers, fax machines, and scanners when necessary to complete official business mission
  • Fees for conference/meeting rooms and equipment when necessary to complete official business mission
  • Official telephone calls/service, such as faxes, internet access, etc…
  • Emergency purchases of materials or services (i.e., film, batteries, photocopying, etc.) when necessary to complete official business mission
  • Airport shuttles, taxis, ground transportation
  • Other reasonable expenses if justified and approved by supervisor as required for travel.
  • Tips (must be pre-approved by the Controller or VP of Finance). If the tips are not pre-approved and appropriate documentation is not provided. Then the cash advance will not be granted or the reimbursement may not be provided.


Movies, bar bills, laundry, room service, health or spa fees, etc. will not be subject to reimbursement by the University or be paid for by the University. These are considered personal in nature and should be paid by the traveler. Employees will be responsible for unauthorized costs and any additional expenses incurred for personal preference or convenience. If certain non-allowable expenses are deemed business essential and justified as such, they may be reimbursed/paid for by the University with approved written consent of the supervisor, VP/Provost of the Department, and the VP of Finance, Operations & Administration or the Controller.

Last Revision Date
