The University prepares an annual staffing plan to meet the needs of the University as part of the overall operating budget planning and revision process. The University is firmly committed to selecting and employing the best and most qualified persons for available positions without discrimination. Employment opportunity notices are published within the University community.
The University is dedicated to equal opportunity through affirmative action within the University community. Limestone’s Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Policy is designed to provide equal consideration of all applicants for faculty and staff positions, for all faculty members in the tenure and promotion process, for administrators and staff seeking promotions and advancement, as well as for students seeking admission, financial aid, and equality in academic and athletic programs. A copy of Limestone University’s Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Policy is available in all departments and offices and on reserve in the Limestone University Library. The Action/Equal Opportunity Policy in this handbook contains the complete Affirmative statement.
For salary and wage administration purposes, employees are classified as “salaried” (exempt) or (non-exempt) and “hourly” (non-exempt).
If applicable, all staff employees receive a salary increased letter from the President annually, stating the current salary or hourly pay rate and the new salary or hourly pay rate. Upon hire, all staff employees receive a letter of appointment from the Director of Human Resources, stating the position, salary or hourly rate, and position description.