Each full-time tenure-track faculty member, including professional librarians on full-time assignment, shall be appointed to one of the following ranks: lecturer, instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, professor. All such appointments to a particular rank shall be made by the President upon the recommendation of the Provost with the advice of the Search Committee.

To be eligible for an initial appointment to a particular rank the faculty member must meet the following minimum qualifications:

  1. Non-tenure Track Rank:
    1. Lecturer/Visiting Faculty
      1. Lecturers/Visiting Faculty are full-time, non-tenure-track at-will members of Limestone University faculty.  The minimum requirements for appointment as a lecturer/visiting faculty are the master’s degree or equivalent with 18 graduate hours in the teaching field.  
      2. Lecturer/Visiting Faculty appointments are made on an annual basis for a period of either nine (9) months or twelve (12) months, depending on hire for day campus or evening/online. 
      3. Lecturers/Visiting Faculty teach a normal load of 15 credit hours per semester over that calendar year unless given release time for other duties. 
      4. Lecturers/Visiting Faculty may be renewed pending satisfactory evaluation of teaching and other duties by the academic department or department chairperson.
      5. Lecturers/Visiting Faculty are hired and appointed by the processes used to hire and appoint all full-time faculty, regardless of tenure track status, outlined in the Method of Initial Appointment
      6. Lecturers/Visiting Faculty report to their respective College Dean and department chair.
      7. For Lecturers Only: Like other full-time faculty, Lecturers are expected to devote time to service, which can include recruitment, advising, assisting with student registration, attending graduations, providing input for the selection of library materials, assisting with the development of the semester schedule, maintaining currency in teaching discipline, and attending and participating in department, College, and faculty meetings.
  2. Tenure-track Ranks:
    1. Instructor: The master’s degree or equivalent with eighteen (18) graduate hours in the teaching field will be required for hiring at the instructor level.
    2. Assistant Professor: The terminal degree (see Table I) with fewer than five years university level teaching experience is the normal criterion for hiring at the level of Assistant Professor.
    3. Associate Professor: The terminal degree (see Table I) and five (5) years of full-time teaching experience at the university level is the normal requirement for the rank of Associate Professor.  A person hired at the associate professor level should demonstrate distinction in teaching and campus leadership (service as chairperson of campus committees, etc.).
    4. Professor: The terminal degree (see Table I) and eight (8) years of full-time teaching experience at the university level is the standard criterion for the rank of Professor.  A person hired at the professor level should demonstrate high distinction in teaching and campus leadership.

Terminal Degrees: That credential which Limestone University considers the terminal degree in each academic discipline is listed below in Table I.

Academic Area Terminal Degree
Art: Studio M.F.A.
Art: Other than Studio Ph.D.
Athletic Training MA or MS
Biology Ph.D.
Business Administration D.B.A. or Ph.D.
Chemistry Ph.D.
Communications Ph.D.
Computer Science Ph.D.
Creative Writing  M.F.A.
Criminal Justice Ph.D. or D.P.A.
Economics Ph.D.
Education Ph.D. or Ed.D.
English  Ph.D.
Foreign Language  Ph.D.
Geography Ph.D.
Health Care Administration Ph.D. or D.B.A.
History Ph.D.
Human Resources Management Ph.D. or D.B.A.
Library Science M.L.S. or M.L.I.S.
Mathematics Ph.D. or Ed.D.
Music  D.M.A., Ed.D. or Ph.D.
Nursing Ph.D., D.N.P., Ed.D., or N.D.
Philosophy  Ph.D.
Physical Education Ph.D. or Ed.D.
Political Science Ph.D.
Psychology Ph.D. or Psy.D.
Physics Ph.D.
Religion Ph.D.
Social Work  M.S.W.
Sociology  Ph.D.
Speech  Ph.D.

Theatre: Performance/Production

Theatre: Other Ph.D.


Last Revision Date
