Faculty Meetings

Faculty meetings are scheduled on a monthly basis during the academic year. All full-time members of the faculty are expected to attend. Announcement of the faculty meeting will be provided at least seven days in advance. Should the faculty’s business not be completed during the meeting, a special faculty meeting may be called to complete the agenda. At least seven days in advance of an upcoming faculty meeting, the faculty secretary will distribute the minutes of the last meeting and the Provost will distribute the agenda for the pending meeting, which will include any motions on which the faculty will be asked to vote.

The Provost (or their faculty designee) will chair faculty meetings. Items for the agenda (committee reports, motions, etc.) should be submitted to the office of the Provost by the second Friday of the month. 

Before a meeting begins, the faculty secretary will determine that a quorum is present. A quorum is determined as 51 percent of the membership. An official set of minutes will be maintained by the faculty secretary and, at the conclusion of each academic year, will be sent to the library where it will be available for reference.

The University President is invited to attend all faculty meetings in order to hear faculty concerns and express his/her own. The President may address the faculty at any faculty meeting after being given the floor.

All motions approved by standing faculty committees must be approved by a majority vote of faculty members in attendance at the monthly meeting. No action affecting matters covered by a committee may be taken at a faculty meeting unless the faculty has been informed in writing of the motion to be acted upon at least seven days in advance. The faculty may move to waive this rule temporarily if two-thirds of those present vote in favor. Exceptions to this rule are 1) amendments, 2) substitute motions, 3) motions pertinent to committee reports, and 4) procedural motions.

Special meetings of the faculty may be called 1) by the faculty while in a faculty meeting, 2) by the Provost, when requested by formal action of any standing committee of the faculty, or 3) by the President of the University.

Last Revision Date
