Membership: The Coordinating Committee will consist of the Provost, the four College Deans, and one elected faculty member from each College. Of the four faculty members, at least one should have experience in graduate programs. All full-time teaching faculty members are eligible for membership.

Faculty holding visiting appointments are not eligible to serve on the Coordinating Committee.

Terms of Office: Faculty members shall serve one-year terms.

Duties: The Coordinating Committee is charged with the following duties:

  1. To bring matters related to the well-being of the University and academic life to the attention of the faculty, the appropriate faculty committee, the Provost, and the President,
  2. To continually review University procedures and policies and to make recommendations to the appropriate entities,
  3. To review the faculty governance structure and to recommend changes for faculty considerations,
  4. To coordinate all University committees by establishing priorities and assuring that the charges of the committees are carried out,
  5. To serve as a nominating committee for all elected positions on other committees elected by the faculty as a whole and to assure that such nominations represent a mixture of College representation,
  6. To nominate annually for election by the faculty a parliamentarian.

Procedure: The process for nominating and electing members to the Coordinating Committee.

  1. College representatives will be elected at the April College meetings and serve a one-year term beginning July 1 each year.
  2. When a member of the Coordinating Committee cannot or does not fulfill the responsibilities of membership, the Coordinating Committee may appoint an alternate to serve until the next regular election or until the regular member can resume his/her responsibilities.  After a temporary appointment, this position will be considered a vacancy as of the next regular annual election.
Last Revision Date
