Emergency Response Team (ERT)

The purpose and mission of the Emergency Response Team, composed of employees from the various departmental areas of the University and chaired by the Vice President of Finance and Administration, are to anticipate and provide guidelines for and manage emergency circumstances that could potentially occur to the University community or events which are transpiring real-time. The definitions and protocols for the Committee are found in the Limestone University Crisis Response and Emergency Plan. Timely alerts and warnings are provided through a formal campus-wide alert system, which includes mobile phone alerts, office phone alerts, email alerts, University website alerts, digital signage alerts, and posted flyers (as deemed necessary). Any employee witnessing or involved in an emergency should call Limestone University Campus Security IMMEDIATELY at ext. 8344.

Membership of the Crisis Response Team: President, Provost, Vice President of Finance and Administration (Chair), Associate Vice President and Dean of Student Success  (Vice Chair), Chief of Campus Safety, Environmental Health and Safety Compliance Officer, Director of Social Work, CIO/Vice President for Institutional Research and Information Technology, Vice President of Communications and Marketing, Campus Minister, Campus Nurse, University Counselor, Coordinator of Athletic Training, Assistant Athletics Director for Media Relations, and Director of Human Resources.

Last Revision Date
