Membership: The Library Advisory Committee shall consist of the Director of the Library, the Provost, three faculty members including at least one faculty member from the Online program, one-day program student, and one Online student. Each of the three academic Colleges shall be represented by the faculty members.

The Director of the Library shall chair the committee. Faculty members shall be appointed by the Director of the Library. The Library Advisory Committee members shall appoint student members.

Terms of Office: Faculty members shall serve two-year terms.  Student members shall serve one-year terms.

Duties: The Library Advisory Committee serves as a forum for discussing library issues, including ways to improve library services, collections development and short/long range planning. The Committee is charged with the following responsibilities:   

  1. Advise the Director of the Library on proposed policies.
  2. Recommend to the Director resources and services needed for teaching and learning. 
  3. Serve as a liaison among faculty, staff, and students on library-related issues.
  4. Encourage library usage among faculty, staff, and students.
  5. Advocate for the library in University-wide planning.

Meetings: The Library Advisory Committee shall meet a minimum of once each semester.  The Director of the Library will circulate an agenda prior to the meeting.

The Library Advisory Committee shall consist of the Director of the Library, three faculty members including at least one faculty member from the Online program, one-day program student, and one Online student, and the Provost. Each of the three academic Colleges shall be represented by the faculty members.

Last Revision Date
