Emeritus Status for Senior Administrative Officers Policy


Conferral of emeritus status is an honor that may be granted by the Board of Trustees upon retirement (as opposed to leaving for a position with another employer) of an employee who has provided dedicated and distinguished service to the University. The Board of Trustees delegates to the President the authority to recommend emeritus status for Senior Administrative Officers. These officers include Vice Presidents. The Board of Trustees may grant emeritus status to the President.


Individuals serving at the time of retirement as Senior Administrative Officers with 10 or more years of continuous full-time service to the University.


Evidence of extraordinary and meritorious contributions to the fulfillment of program and University mission.


  1. The President may initiate the recommendation for emeritus status of Senior Administrative Officers upon notification of retirement (See the document below ).
  2. Recommendations for emeritus status for Senior Administrative Officers are made by the President to the Personnel Committee of the Board of Trustees.
  3. If the recommendation is approved by the Personnel Committee, it is then transmitted to the full Board of Trustees.
  4. If approved, emeritus status is awarded to the retiring Senior Administrative Officer by the Board of Trustees.
  5. Emeritus status is awarded with the title held at the time of retirement.

Privileges of the Status of Senior Administrative Officer Emeritus

  1. Recognition at commencement following designation of emeritus status.
  2. Marching with faculty at commencement exercises and other formal academic occasions.
  3. Inclusion in official listings of Limestone administrators.
  4. Continuing library privileges.
  5. Free admission to Limestone’s cultural events and athletic contests.
Last Revision Date
