Membership: The ADA committee shall consist of the Director for Human Resources, the Director of Equity and Inclusion, the Vice President of Finance and Administration (Chair), the Director of the Physical Plant/Environmental Safety Officer, the Director of Residential Life and Housing, CIO/Vice President for Institutional Research and Information Technology, and the Associate Vice President and Dean of Student Success.

  1. Review potential barriers to equal access to the programs, services, and activities of Limestone University and recommend solutions.
  2. Develop appropriate timelines and regularly review University programs, services, activities, policies, and facilities for ADA/Section 504 compliance and accessibility.
  3. Prepare an annual prioritization of projects and review progress made in the past year on resolving access barriers.
  4. Review cases where accommodations or modifications are likely to result in a fundamental alteration of a course or impose an undue burden on the institution.
  5. Support staff and faculty knowledge and awareness of ADA/Section 504 legal requirements and issues in higher education.
  6. Review potential barriers to equal access and will recommend solutions.
Last Revision Date
